Scorpion™ Shear

The SCORPION™ Shear provides a fast and safe option for removing structures. The SCORPION™ is durable and easy to use, cutting up to 24″ diameter structures in 9 seconds. Once the diver has guided the shear into place, control of the shear is taken over topside allowing the diver to move to a safe area while the cutting is taking place.

The shear package comes with a diesel power pump and hydraulic reel with 500ft umbilicals.

Scorpion™ Shear Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

The drive piston automatically retracts after each operation to ensure correct piston stroke every time.

Tools are lighter in weight, smaller in size, yet produces much higher applied loads to deliver greater clamping force.

The tool socket is permanently built into the head. Simplifies and speeds up installations/removal. Eliminates delays due to misplaced or lost sockets

Duel inlet and outlet parts make it much easier to quickly and safely install/remove hose harness.

In the unlikely event of a seal failure, oil pressure is dispersed inside the tool housing thus eliminating the danger of a high pressure blow out.

High visibility maximum stroke indicator. Captured socket for faster operation. Fits all standard flanges. Piston over-stroke prevention.

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