ECHO™ Precision Bolt Load Monitoring.

Bolt load accuracy is essential to zero leak performance, and control of the bolt preload is essential to achieving bolt load accuracy. ECHO Precision Bolt Load Monitoring ensures accurate bolt load by measuring the bolt stretch. Bolt load that is too low will not maintain suitable gasket stress, potentially leading to poor seals and leakage. Bolt load that is too high can damage the flange, bolt, or gasket, also potentially resulting in leaks and a subsequent safety concern. Attempting to determine bolt load through guesswork can be dangerous and costly and could lead to unscheduled shutdowns. Ultrasonic verification instantly provides a digitized read-out of the true bolt load. Use the ECHO Precision Bolt Load Monitoring to achieve Certainty of Outcome on your critical flanges.

ECHO™ Precision Bolt Load Monitoring Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

It verifies bolt load by measuring bolt stretch through the use of an ultrasonic frequency.

It provides guaranteed quality assurance on critical path connections.

ECHO™ Precision Bolt Load Monitoring instantly provides digitized readout of the true bolt load.

INTEGRA’s ECHO (UT) Bolt Load Monitoring process uses ultrasonic sound waves to measure a stud’s change in length from the unloaded to loaded state. Using this UT measured change in length and Hook’s Law, the stud stress is then calculated with a very high degree of accuracy.

UT stands for “Ultrasonic Testing”. INTEGRA’s ECHO (UT) Bolt Load Monitoring process uses ultrasonic sound waves to measure a stud’s change in length from the unloaded to loaded state. Using this UT measured change in length and Hook’s Law, the stud stress is then calculated with a very high degree of accuracy.

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