Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning

What is Bolt Tensioning?

Bolt tensioning is the process of applying load to some or all bolts on a flange simultaneously using hydraulic nuts or detachable bolt tensioners.

There is a common need across the energy industry for a safe, time effective, accurate, and reliable method of applying bolt load. INTEGRA Technologies, the leading bolt tensioning company, is purposefully dedicated to meeting the industry’s needs as tensioning specialists by providing the proper tooling for each individual application. Hydraulic bolt tensioners are an innovative technology, beneficial to both subsea and topside applications.

Have a look at our bolt tensioning procedure:

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

To put it simply, bolt tensioning is the faster, better, and safer way to assembly or disassemble your critical joints. It provide the highest accuracy to capture your desired bolt targets by simultaneously applying clamping pressure across the flange face for optimal gasket sealing.

Absolutely – it is the ultimate in bolting safety, as it is a hands-free method of bolting and eliminates pinch points.

Assembly Load refers to the load that is placed on a bolt at assembly, but before operation.

Yes, we have significantly invested in our bolt tensioning inventory to ensure we can cover the largest of project needs. Our TALON™ bolt tensioners are designed in-house and we genuinely believe they are the best bolt tensioners in the marketplace, especially as it relates to built-in safety features.

Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning refers to the method of applying pure axial hydraulic pressure to directly stretch the stud to an accurate elongation and force.

Load loss refers to the load that is lost during the transfer of load from the hydraulics to the nut.

Applied load is the load applied directly to the axis of the stud while hydraulic pressure is in the tensioner.

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